
You are smart.  You are dedicated.  You love what you do.  

But you might not love writing.

Here are 3 ways I help you write a compelling grant.

grant Writing

Let's be honest - Grant writing is not rocket science.  What YOU do is rocket science.  But a grant application can usually benefit from a second set of eyes, a discussion with someone who is focused 100% on you and your ideas, someone asking questions. 

Sometimes I help by ensuring that the grant tells the exciting story you want to tell; sometimes I help you develop a grant story that flows logically from the problem, to the preliminary data, to the proposed project, and to the happy ending. I always make sure the grant is internally consistent, the writing is clear and concise, and the reader can follow your ideas without backtracking.

Grant writing differs from 'coaching' in that if we are doing ‘grant writing’ we are focused on completing an application rather than on you improving your grant writing skills.

Please note that when I am editing what I do is called developmental, or substantive editing (as opposed to copy editing); yes, of course I do copy editing as the drafts become polished, but if you are looking solely for someone to place commas and the like (copy edit), I am not your person.

I bill hourly; I have standard rates; I can give you an estimate once I understand your project; If scope creeps, we re-negotiate the estimate; We can agree upon a dollar limit; I am transparent about the amount of time I have spent.


Coaching differs from 'grant writing' in that we use your grant application as a tool to improve your grant writing skills, so you don’t need me as much in the future.

Yes, the grant gets completed by the deadline, but we spend time talking about ‘grantsmanship’ topics, like framing, structure, grant story, writing to review criteria; and we discuss the reasoning behind my comments and edits.

Together we also can:

  • Get clarity about your ideas—sometimes it helps to have someone who is not an expert in your field, but is trained as scientist, to listen and ask questions.

  • Craft a logical (and thus compelling) grant story.

  • Help you learn to male your writing clear and concise.

Workshops & Courses

Workshops are a good way to get a whole group up to speed, or give group members a chance to think about something new, or to work together.

Below are the workshops (and courses) I have experience conducting.  If you would like a workshop that is a blend of these or something different please contact me and we can figure out how to meet your needs. If I can’t do it, perhaps I can recommend someone who can.

  • Mini-Series: Five ½ day workshops on key topics in grant writing.

  • What is my grant story? 

  • Writing an NIH K-award (multi-day)

  • Writing the Specific Aims page of an NIH grant application

  • Writing a scientific review article

  • Writing mechanics for scientists: 13 rules you really should be following

  • Presenting your best self on-line